Hamilton Junior Associates
Associates Overview...
Hamilton Theatre Arts offers a fantastic pre-college programme in conjunction with our associated Junior School called Hamilton Junior Associates.
Hamilton Junior Associates Programme offers a specialised route that focuses on developing skills for those interested in following a musical theatre college route.
The Associates Programme includes an NPA Musical Theatre Award approved by SQA.
Offers a tailored, qualification based training route for students considering following a Higher education route Musical Theatre.
Students from Primary 6 upwards are eligible to apply. There are two Associates Stages:- P6-S2 and S3-S6. Entry is via audition.
Duration & When…
The programme is flexible in duration, however students should complete at least one full Academic Year of training on the course before they can certificate for the NPA Musical Theatre.
The Associates programme runs on Wednesday evenings starting in August.
The course runs 5pm - 9.00pm.
Decisions on when a student can certificate for NPA Musical Theatre is taken by tutors, based on a students individual progress.
Hamilton Junior Associates: In detail…
NPA Musical Theatre Award approved by SQA (Level 6 equivalent to Higher level)
Ensemble singing
Acting Through Song
Jazz tech
Production Class (MT)
The course also offers further Level 6 units for students who have completed their NPA Award:-
Solo Singing Skills
Preparation for Audition
Jazz Dance
Associates Fees
Fees for our Associates programme in 2023/2024 are:-
£31 per week (£124 per month)
(Fees are paid on our auto-pay system and on a subscription basis)
How to apply…
To apply for our Junior Associates programme, please complete the online application form.